Season 1,

14: How Drift Does Marketing

August 08, 2017

In today’s podcast, we are honored to be joined by Drift’s very own Dave Gerhardt. He’s the Head Fire-Starting Chief of Marketing Production and Culture over at Drift. He’s not into titles and this one is obviously BS. In the 2 years that Dave’s been at Drift, he’s had the opportunity to gather great insight into Drift, as well as the brain of David Cancel, the CEO of Drift and Principal Pot-Stirrer. Together, DG & DC co-host the Seeking Wisdom podcast, which is an amazing show.

Marketing Director, Drift, Dave Gerhardt

More About Drift:

Drift has a unique approach to marketing. They’re passionate about being the best. In fact, they have a manifesto that every employee is aware of, which outlines their business beliefs.

During the show, Dave gave us a peek behind the curtain and a look into the world that keeps Drift running. He explained they have done away with forms on their website and have begun to treat people like the human beings that they are. This model has seen much success over the last year and doesn’t appear to be slowing down anytime soon.

Heads up:

There is a LunchBreak Marketing exclusive offer the Dave throws out there for the Hypergrowth conference coming up at the end of September. You are going to want to hear this one.

Get ready for an awesome episode from an incredible company who is changing the way we not only think about marketing, but also how we do marketing.


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