Season 1,

22: How to Stand Out in a Noisy World

October 03, 2017

It’s no surprise that we live a world that is bombarded with images, design, and marketing all the time. We have mini computers in our pockets and even on our wrists not. Our attention span is very limited and as a marketer your job is to stand out among all of that noise.

How do you that today?

The guys discuss and give you practical tips and tools on what you can be doing to stand out with all the noise around you. From GIF’s and cinemagraphs to real copy and always A/B testing, these are just a few suggestions they made to help you standout.


Show Notes

2:55 – Wavve is for real awesome. Shout out to the guys at Wavve and Baird. Check them out and start using them now!

6:00 – Get on the GIF and cinemagraphs train. They aren’t going anywhere. Start using them right now.

7:20 – Flixel helps you make cinemagraphs with ease.

12:48 – Improve on the best trends you see happening around you. Always keep an eye on what’s going on around you and what your competitors are doing.

15:50 – Here is the design board for upcoming design trends.

16:08 – Use real copy to stand out. Stop complicating things with jargon. Talk to them like they are a real person.

19:48 – Take a look at old designs. They are timeless.

23:10 – Always be cleaning up your design. Keep it simple!

26:30 – Make sure you are always A/B testing your designs. You will be surprised which one performs better.

30:21 – Shout out to Canva.

31:50 – Shout out to Canva.

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